Sheriff gets 8 new patrol deputies in budget
By Charles Swenson
June 29, 2023
Taxes will go up to fund the eight more patrol deputies Sheriff Carter Weaver says are needed to keep pace with Georgetown County’s growing number of residents and visitors. This is the third year he has asked County Council to increase his staff.
In a 4-3 vote that split along party and racial lines, the council agreed to more than double the increase in the tax rate proposed by county staff. That will put the county’s operating budget above $100 million for the first time.
“Georgetown County has cut expenses to dangerous levels,” Council Member Stella Mercado said. “It is critical that we increase millage to provide for public safety.”
The last-minute amendment to the budget proposed by Council Member Bob Anderson called for an extra 2.85 mill increase to the general fund budget that would be earmarked for the eight deputies and their equipment. It would also provide a little over $500,000 that will be split between Midway Fire and Rescue and the county’s rural fire district.
The draft budget prepared by the county staff already called for a 2 mill increase in the general fund. The 4.85 mills is the maximum allowed under a state law that limits property tax increases by local government to the combination of the federal Consumer Price Index and local population growth.
Anderson said he worked with the staff the day before the council meeting to prepare the budget amendment.
“I appreciate their hard work in bringing us a balanced budget,” he said.
Although Administrator Angela Christian didn’t include the sheriff’s request in her draft, she said she would make it work. “Absolutely,” she added.
It has been 17 years since the last increase in patrol deputies.
“There have been a lot of variables in those 17 years,” Weaver said. “The bottom line is, I respect council.”
In pressing his case for the new deputies last month, Weaver said he also planned to increase pay for all sworn officers by $4,000 more than the county proposed. He wants to use reserves in the law enforcement fund to pay for that. It remains unclear whether that can be done.
But Weaver said he has seen an increase in applicants for deputy positions since he started the budget process this spring.
Asked at a community meeting in Murrells Inlet about his future needs, Weaver demurred. His initial goal was 26 new deputies by 2030.
“As long as we keep communicating and working together” that will get sorted out by him and the council, Weaver said. “If we don’t work together, you suffer.”
Chairman Louis Morant and Council Members Lilie Jean Johnson and Everett Carolina voted against the budget. They are Black Democrats who represent the city and rural areas, where residents said they can’t afford the higher taxes.
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